JUAMI 2016: Materials for Sustainable Energy

May 29 – June 10, 2016, Arusha Tanzania

Born in 2012 as the Joint-US Africa Materials Institute, JUAMI aims to build materials science research and collaborations between the Africa and the United States as well as others, with the broadened audience recognized in the revised name, Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute. Ties are created between young materials researchers from different parts of the globe through a series of international schools and workshops taught by leading materials scientists and engineers. The second JUAMI school was held May 29 – June 9, 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania, co-hosted by the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST). Building on the success of the first school, the lectures focused on Materials for Sustainable Energy, covering areas from dye-sensitized solar cells to thermoelectrics and fuel cells. JUAMI 2016 served 65 students: 26 from the US, 38 from Africa (predominantly Eastern Africa, including 6 local students enrolled at NM-AIST), and one from Israel. Of the student participants, 28% were female. Tutorials and frontier research seminars were delivered by 22 instructors and lecturers from the US, Europe, Africa, and Israel, 8 of whom were female.

Plenary Speaker

Dr. Arun Majumdar
Former Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)



International Organizing Committee

Sossina Haile
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University

Simon Billinge
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Applied Physics, and Applied Mathematics
Columbia University

Peter Green
Vincent T. and Gloria M. Gorguze Professor of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Applied Physics
University of Michigan

Local Organizing Committee

Dr. Revocatus L. Machunda
The Nelson Mandela African Insitute of Science and Technology

Dr. Yusufu A.C. Jande
The Nelson Mandela African Insitute of Science and Technology

Dr. Cecil K. King’ondu
The Nelson Mandela African Insitute of Science and Technology